Sunday, February 8, 2009

Summertime flowers

Summertime is a burst of flowers and vibrant colors in Zozó and Tonico’s garden/yard in Itaipu.

The Haliconias just keep on coming week after week.

Beautiful red ginger blooms defy the scant attention they get and burst into view.

An antherium plant we added several years back is constantly in bloom. Is that natural?

Luiz has been cultivating an orchid ‘garden’ on the trunk of a tree in the middle of the yard. They bloom like clockwork every year.

It’s not a big yard – but there are flowers everywhere this time of year. A real getaway retreat (pool included).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim and Luis

I just love to read your blog and follow up on what is going on with both of you.

It is high quality and fun to read. I love your american perspective regarding the Brazil and its way of life. I have recommended it to friends here and south of equator.


You should find a job as an international correspondent, or on an independent contract basis for a magazine or newspaper in the US. Have you contacted Camara de Comercio Brasil-Estados Unidos in Rio? It is about time to set up good contacts. Don't waste your talent.


Espero que vc tenha superado esta gripe. Aqui mando um energia toda positiva para vc. Tenho visto teus arranjos. Um mais bonito q o outro. Muito sucesso com o teu negocio!!

Minha situacao domestica continua a mesma, agora agravada pelo fatos dos precos imobiliarios terem despencados.

No meu trabalho estou por um triz...ja mandaram metado do grupo embora. Este ano pela primeira vez a AT&T nao dara aumento para nenhum funcionario. O Bonus sera mantido, mas se houver um...vai depender do desempenho da companhia que nao foi bom.

No resto esta tudo bem...nao estou mais com o Mark. Dei uma guinada de 30 anos. O sortudo agora tem 26 anos e e capixaba. Esta tentando vir para ca no final do ano. Vamos ver o q acontece.

Mando um saudoso beijo para vcs.

Carlos Nascimento