Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So-called Favela Tour in Rocinha with friends

I know this image has been used on other blog posts - but it is just too cool not to use again!

I try not to miss an opportunity to crow about my friend Zezinho. He's a terrific, enthusiastic, heartfelt champion for his favela community, Rocinha. He is a proud guide, taking foreigners on walks through his neighborhood, showing the normalness and beauty of his community.

We, just yesterday, went for a good long walk through the community. Zezinho is determined to give good stats and hard evidence of the hard-working and hopeful nature of community residents. He presents a view of favela communities so contrary to the stereotypes.

My favorite part of the day (aside from visiting Zezinho's apartment) was lunch at a fantastic comida por kilo restaurant. They had great salmon steaks. OK, there were spots with amazing views... but give me a good lunch (on the cheap) any day.

For a culturally appropriate and non-exploitative visit to a favela community -- contact Zezinho. Go here.


Anita said...

Zezinho rocks !

lifeinrocinha said...

Jim, I always enjoy seeing..thanks for coming along again..if you come again i am going to have to take you on a different route lol!

thanks and congrats on your weight loss...your looking great!!!
